This Week in Phenomenology: Eclipse Energy

Phenomenology is tied to human experience and is the subject of my next novel.

Synchronicity is a clue.

Welcome to the most powerful energy portal which begins with a Blood Moon lunar eclipse. Comparable to a full solar eclipse.

In the sign of Virgo, what humans are asked to do is release control. Dive into our emotions to transform energy. Another word for this process is alchemize.

At this moment, America is at a point of reassessment. The timing of people reevaluating our country, our democracy, and how our government operates aligns with energy humans feel in our gut.

Synchronicity is when separate events align at a moment of time independent of each other. The Blood Moon Eclipse this week will tweak our emotional world and the result will be clear.

Spiritual intelligence is also featured, as humans decide whether we are going to collectively band together to make a better world.

Our emotions are our superpower. Being witness to our feelings reminds humans of our capacity to change.

Life’s eternal request.

Until April 14, we will swim in energetics meant to push humans into the next phase of our evolutionary trip.

Allow the Universe to be the guide.
