Summer Shifts Lilith, Women Rise

Our consciousness awakens this week. Clarity on what must be done in our lives enters the scene. Humans have power to change reality. Arise and embrace our collective might to move humanity to inspirational heights.

Expect a ripple around the world in favor of an enlivened future for humanity, which will strengthen over months.

For women, men, and LGBTQ in America, our futures are at stake.

The Handmaid’s Tale – Traditional Wife community, drenched in arrogance, is out of step with evolutionary winds.

What if…the wonder of the Universe above exists as a roadmap?

What if…the shifts in our world synchronize with planetary movement in an orchestrated effort to inspire humanity’s evolution?

Carl Jung played with this theory, although he didn’t take it where my experiences have led me.

What if the Universe and humanity can synchronize?

My philosophical case is not cause and effect. Humans make choices.

Epic archetypal movement: Lilith leaves Virgo for Libra. Important? Listen and you’ll be gobsmacked. (After doing research, I was.)

Vibe shift? The architect of human life, Saturn, is retrograde, and the keeper of our spiritual flame and creative depths, Neptune, is too. The Cancer new Moon arrives.

Beyond low expectations lie positive energy shifts, self-acceptance, and authenticity. Action required.


wave: Matt Paul Catalano, Unsplash