Taylor Swift’s Joy Machine Shines Amid Agony
Ray of Light Amid Kate Cox, Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas War
Sometimes it feels like the world is careening in a direction of no return.
It’s one reason why TIME‘s choice of Taylor Swift for Person of the Year felt like a blast of fire energy straight from the sun.
The Universe helps us find our bearing.
A quote from Carl Jung…
“The psychology of the unconscious is particularly concerned with archetypal symbolism.” Jung on Astrology
If you’ve tuned into my podcast, Jung’s words will sound familiar.
Humans tapped mythology to understand life on earth. For thousands of years, planets, stars and constellations were seen as a roadmap. Astrology was the first science and utilized by the elite and moneyed class throughout history.
In the 21st century, a philosophy for the Aquarian age requires a step beyond the ancient science. A new philosophical take.
The Universe above has no power to push humanity to make choices. We each make our own.
Like the changing seasons, the stars and planets above are a way of understanding where we are in the year. You may feel better in winter than summer; be more attuned to the darkness. Others may recede when the days become shorter.
Welcome to Christmastime in retrograde. What a fabulous moment for everyone to slow down and absorb the season, whether you celebrate Christmas or another holiday. A moment to take what you’ve envisioned for yourself in the New Year and drill down on specifics.
The plot in our lives has shifted dramatically and we’re not sure what’s next, what’s possible.
Taylor Swift shows a disgruntled world our fondest dreams can come true.
Merry Christmas.
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