Why Fluke and Other Life Theories Fail, A Parable

Uranus and All Planets Direct

Never ceases to amaze me how intelligent humans, especially males, come up with tectonic, partially correct theories about human life, but ignore the ancient wisdom of the Universe, as well as the first science.

In metaphysics (the search for the basic principles of everything there is), Descartes provided arguments for the existence of God and to show that the essence of matter is to be spatially extended, and that the essence of mind is thought (where “thought” includes sensory images as well as rational discourse). (Stanford.edu)

Humans are convinced we can explain all of life with one theory. Arrogance is weakness.

Omitted from discussions is the power of imagination. Not to make up fantasies, but to explore and reel out the mind.

Stumble through experience to witness an unexplainable convergence of events. Moments with meaning only to you.

Discover. Expand. Uranus and all planets are direct. Take your dreams for a ride.


Why Fluke and Other Life Theories Fail, A Parable

graphic by Simon Lee, Unsplash

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