Politics and the Universe Synchronize

Politics and the Universe Synchronize

President Joe Biden stands with George Washington. One-term giants who put country over self-interest. We now enter the “upswing” moment of 2024 I’ve written and talked about on the podcast, but WOW, how we got here. LISTEN NOW American history altered during historic astronomical alignments. Mythology aids integration. Language of imagination and the mind. Consider……

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Joe Biden Endorses Kamala Harris for President

Joe Biden Endorses Kamala Harris for President

Courage to put his country first. This is Joe Biden’s legacy. American patriot. Really cannot overstate how problematic this is for Trump’s operation. Everything they built was customized for a contest with Biden. And I mean… *everything*. – Tim Alberta, conservative evangelical The article I wrote about Joe Biden being part of the Obama legacy…

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America’s Presidential Election and Fated Energy

A close up of the american flag

**pinned** UPDATED The Finale of the Obama-Biden Eras unfolds… SEE: JOE BIDEN ENDORSES KAMALA HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT You might have assumed the Obama era was over, but you’d be incorrect. Joe Biden is part of this equation and the 2024 election will define how the Obama-Biden eras are remembered. I’ve been a writer for over…

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