Taylor Swift Power and Law of Attraction Magic

A bunch of balloons that are in the air

What’s Your Energy Level? Happiness, joy and living the life you want out loud will have contagious outcomes. Taylor Swift and her hundreds of millions of fans now step into an era they will own, and they’re dragging America with them, whether people like her music, care about her or not. Right wing males can’t…

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Magic and Possibility Swirl, So Cast Your Dreams Into the Universe

A close up of the words no fear written in black ink.

A Portal of Possibility Taylor’s Podcast The god of human architecture is meeting with the benevolent god and “manifester” of dreams. Venusian energy swirls. The days ahead are primed for authentic action and long-term plots. Collective victories sewn into humanity’s future, where authentic action is taken. We cast forth our dreams. The gods look on…

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