Summer Shifts Lilith, Women Rise

A beautiful view of the waves in the ocean

Our consciousness awakens this week. Clarity on what must be done in our lives enters the scene. Humans have power to change reality. Arise and embrace our collective might to move humanity to inspirational heights. Expect a ripple around the world in favor of an enlivened future for humanity, which will strengthen over months. For…

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Magic and Possibility Swirl, So Cast Your Dreams Into the Universe

A close up of the words no fear written in black ink.

A Portal of Possibility Taylor’s Podcast The god of human architecture is meeting with the benevolent god and “manifester” of dreams. Venusian energy swirls. The days ahead are primed for authentic action and long-term plots. Collective victories sewn into humanity’s future, where authentic action is taken. We cast forth our dreams. The gods look on…

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Signpost for Progress, Fated Energy Ahead

A picture of the saturn 's rings taken from space.

Saturn Turns Direct Now that Saturn’s direct, expect less friction to manifestation or change. The big ringed planet is one of the big cosmic influencers and demands our attention. But don’t accept the “malefic” description of Saturn. The energy and mythology of Saturn reveal this planetary influence as the Great Architect of life and creativity.…

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