Solstice Empowers, Let Go

Solstice Empowers, Let Go

Make space for what comes next. What emotions drive your life?Solstice encourages assessment. What you want to manifest in the next six months is tied to what you’re willing to do to attract what you want. How you feel is not your emotions.How you feel can be obliterated by one incoming critique on social media.…

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Intuition, Instinct and That ‘Gut Feeling’

A fireworks display with red and white lights.

There are many theories on intuition. The foundation of doubters is rooted in humanity’s hubris in believing we can solve the mysteries of the intangible world, and that all experience is explainable or solvable. In fact, intuition is part of the mysterious realm. “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am…

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What Famous Gurus Get Wrong

A monkey sitting on top of a tree eating.

I’ve been curious about the self-help and guru world since the late 1990s, when I finished my Relationship Consultant gig with the LA Weekly, hoping to publish a book on what I’d learned. Researching this world blew my mind, still does. There’s Tony Robbins, who has guided millions… Decades ago, the dozens of Tony Robbins…

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Plot Unfolds Through Intuitive Voice

A blue planet is shown in the dark.

Clarity rises through the haze. Intuition is constant. Surety and trust come and go. When large planets shift, many astrologers claim the pull is illusive to feel. Don’t be fooled into accepting someone else’s idea of what’s humming in the Universe. Creative portals during Neptune retrograde often lead to unique drawing board events, but none…

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