Lilith Joins Cosmic Allies for Supermoon

A green sky with some lights in the background

Power Resounds Through Eclipses Why is one moment better than another. What makes the difference? Astrology is as old as the ancient Babylonians, who used the first science as a way to mark the seasons and predict the weather. The Greek word for zodiac means “circle of animals.” “The fact that in most of Western…

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Faith Meets Flow in the Oceanic Space of Spirit

A picture of the ocean with words written on it.

Religion Has Nothing to Do With It A mysteriously perceptible wave of energy tied to our emotions comes at the end of what ancients and astrologers call the end of the zodiac calendar. Pisces energy, in other words, wraps up a year of growth. We’re now involved in processing where we’ve landed through our physical…

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Plot Unfolds Through Intuitive Voice

A blue planet is shown in the dark.

Clarity rises through the haze. Intuition is constant. Surety and trust come and go. When large planets shift, many astrologers claim the pull is illusive to feel. Don’t be fooled into accepting someone else’s idea of what’s humming in the Universe. Creative portals during Neptune retrograde often lead to unique drawing board events, but none…

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Vision Cast: America’s Inflection Point

A statue of liberty in the middle of a cloud filled sky.

**pinned** Hello, disgruntled America. Malaise happens at the end of an era when predictions, polls, and prayers fall short. Astronomy is set, predetermined. So is the astrology which offers the timing and potential synchronicity. A roadmap laid out as hints, signposts to the future. America’s fate is unknown. What comes through me depends on finding…

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