Magic and Possibility Swirl, So Cast Your Dreams Into the Universe

A close up of the words no fear written in black ink.

A Portal of Possibility Taylor’s Podcast The god of human architecture is meeting with the benevolent god and “manifester” of dreams. Venusian energy swirls. The days ahead are primed for authentic action and long-term plots. Collective victories sewn into humanity’s future, where authentic action is taken. We cast forth our dreams. The gods look on…

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2024 Optimism and Era Ending Tension Compete

A pink wall with the words in pursuit of magic written on it.

Word of the New Year is Anaretic Listen to Taylor’s Podcast: Exciting Times Ahead When the Universe Offers Humans Fated Days for Action and Pursuit of Happiness The 2024 vibe is optimism. So, releasing the negative cloak of the past years is the first order of business for humanity. We can’t welcome in the magic…

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Taylor Swift’s Joy Machine Shines Amid Agony

Three women are standing in the sunset with their arms up.

Ray of Light Amid Kate Cox, Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas War Sometimes it feels like the world is careening in a direction of no return. It’s one reason why TIME‘s choice of Taylor Swift for Person of the Year felt like a blast of fire energy straight from the sun. The Universe helps us find our…

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Plot Unfolds Through Intuitive Voice

A blue planet is shown in the dark.

Clarity rises through the haze. Intuition is constant. Surety and trust come and go. When large planets shift, many astrologers claim the pull is illusive to feel. Don’t be fooled into accepting someone else’s idea of what’s humming in the Universe. Creative portals during Neptune retrograde often lead to unique drawing board events, but none…

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Vision Cast: America’s Inflection Point

A statue of liberty in the middle of a cloud filled sky.

**pinned** Hello, disgruntled America. Malaise happens at the end of an era when predictions, polls, and prayers fall short. Astronomy is set, predetermined. So is the astrology which offers the timing and potential synchronicity. A roadmap laid out as hints, signposts to the future. America’s fate is unknown. What comes through me depends on finding…

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Signpost for Progress, Fated Energy Ahead

A picture of the saturn 's rings taken from space.

Saturn Turns Direct Now that Saturn’s direct, expect less friction to manifestation or change. The big ringed planet is one of the big cosmic influencers and demands our attention. But don’t accept the “malefic” description of Saturn. The energy and mythology of Saturn reveal this planetary influence as the Great Architect of life and creativity.…

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When Energy Syncs Up

A person is looking at their reflection in the mirror.

Welcome. So, we begin… Experience creates reality. It’s not “cause and effect.” Cosmic conditions can be favorable, but courage to make a risky move is required. If you’re not a little bit scared of a new direction, the choice isn’t big enough. Synchronicity happens when cosmic alignments above coincide with human actions on Earth. Monthly…

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