All About My Creative Outputs and Processes

A light painting of an infinity symbol.

Aquarian Imagination and Vision Aided by Pluto Power

Pluto and Aquarius Shift the World NEW SEASON - TAYLOR'S LATEST PODCAST Whether you've thought...
A close up of the words no fear written in black ink.

Magic and Possibility Swirl, So Cast Your Dreams Into the Universe

A Portal of Possibility Taylor's Podcast The god of human architecture is meeting with the...
A pink wall with the words in pursuit of magic written on it.

2024 Optimism and Era Ending Tension Compete

Word of the New Year is Anaretic Listen to Taylor's Podcast: Exciting Times Ahead When...
Three women are standing in the sunset with their arms up.

Taylor Swift’s Joy Machine Shines Amid Agony

Ray of Light Amid Kate Cox, Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas War Sometimes it feels like the...
A person holding onto a glass ball

Why Christian Nationalists are Not Christians

Will Speaker Mike Johnson Certify Election if Biden-Harris win? Listen to Taylor's Latest Podcast Let...
A blue planet is shown in the dark.

Plot Unfolds Through Intuitive Voice

Clarity rises through the haze. Intuition is constant. Surety and trust come and go. When...
A statue of liberty in the middle of a cloud filled sky.

Vision Cast: America’s Inflection Point

**pinned** Hello, disgruntled America. Malaise happens at the end of an era when predictions, polls,...
A red planet with black background and dark sky

New Moon Meets Sun-Mars Energy

Eclipse Season Yields New Portal Eclipse energies are fierce, fated, and evolutionary. The impact on...
A picture of the saturn 's rings taken from space.

Signpost for Progress, Fated Energy Ahead

Saturn Turns Direct Now that Saturn's direct, expect less friction to manifestation or change. The...
A person is looking at their reflection in the mirror.

When Energy Syncs Up

Welcome. So, we begin... Experience creates reality. It's not "cause and effect." Cosmic conditions can...