Fated Energy

A wolf is standing in the woods and its mouth open.

Wolf Full Moon Demands Attention, Action

Expansion and Strategic Risk Favored At 9:54 a.m. PT, January 25, the Leo full Moon...
A light painting of an infinity symbol.

Aquarian Imagination and Vision Aided by Pluto Power

Pluto and Aquarius Shift the World NEW SEASON - TAYLOR'S LATEST PODCAST Whether you've thought...
A statue of liberty in the middle of a cloud filled sky.

Vision Cast: America’s Inflection Point

**pinned** Hello, disgruntled America. Malaise happens at the end of an era when predictions, polls,...
A red planet with black background and dark sky

New Moon Meets Sun-Mars Energy

Eclipse Season Yields New Portal Eclipse energies are fierce, fated, and evolutionary. The impact on...
A picture of the saturn 's rings taken from space.

Signpost for Progress, Fated Energy Ahead

Saturn Turns Direct Now that Saturn's direct, expect less friction to manifestation or change. The...